For that reason, meanwhile Huuskes has been using GPS-Buddy equipment for more than 10 years. Initially to find out where the vehicles were located and to compose route reports. With the expansion of the service provision, also the investing in smart technology has increased, over the years. The modular construction of the GPS-Buddy systems makes it possible for Huuskes to gradually add the new functionality, in line with the company's growth. As such, the company also makes use of temperature sensors, a CANbus-coupler and a digital tachograph-link. On the one hand, to be able to meet specific requirements, on the other hand to minimise the administrative burden.
Harrie: “We use the digital tachograph-link because that means that we don't have to send people out time after time, to read the tachographs. We can now simply download that information in the office. As such, we comply with the legal obligations in an efficient way. We also instantly know which driver is driving the vehicle. Since our clients are gradually returning to their core activities, which is providing care, our service provision is enhanced to the point where the driver even delivers the items to the department.” This far-reaching service does have consequences though. “When a driver is making deliveries, then often the vehicle is not on the move for a longer period of time, sometimes up to an hour. For that reason, we have installed temperature sensors in these vehicles, with an alarm notification. If the temperature deviates too much and comes close to the threshold values, then we receive a notification and take action. In addition, we can produce reports to our clients, with the temperature of the products during the delivery. Crucial information to be able to meet the HACCP-guidelines."