You may choose in numerous situations to give us your personal details directly. You can, for example, give us your name and contact details if you want to communicate with us, or if you order a product, if an order of yours needs to be processed, if you register for a service, if you would like a subscription, or – if you are a supplier or business partner – if you want to do business with us. If you want to buy something from us, then you perhaps also give us your credit card details and when you apply for a job at GPS-Buddy, you may give us a description of your education and your work experience. When you inform us that you don’t want us to use your personal details for contact that goes beyond dealing with your request, then we will always respect that wish.
We can also gather information regarding the way you use our website. We use various techniques to do this. If you visit our website, we, for example, can record certain information that your browser sends us, such as your IP address, or the type of browser you use, the type of browser language and the time of your visit and the addresses of websites that refer to us. Furthermore, we are able to gather information about the pages you visit within our sites and about other actions that you perform while visiting us. We can make use of techniques to establish whether you have opened an email, or whether you clicked on a certain link in an email. By recording information this way, we can gather details about the use and the effectiveness of our website and our software products. This way, we can make your experience more personal and we can attune our communication better to individuals.
Now and then, we are able to gather information via other sources, such as via suppliers or customer databases that have an indirect effect on you. When we do this, we ask the supplier concerned to guarantee us that the information was given to them legally and that we are entitled to use the information acquired by them.
The information we directly or indirectly gather, can be merged to help us improve its accuracy and completeness and to attune our contacts with you better.